‘Do or Die’ match for India and Australia as the winner will enter Semi-Final

‘Do or Die’ match for India and Australia as the winner will enter Semi-Final. Prediction is tougher this time as both the teams have lucky factors today

According to Numerology, India is 12 by name number that add as 3. March is lucky for number 3 but day is more favourable to Australia.

Rest of the things the pitch will decide along with the performance of the players. That’s why you can expect a tough fight between these two teams on Sunday at Chandigarh. We may see a nail biting finish again.

Today, total score may be in the range of 170-190.

As today’s date comes under the effect of 27=9
Kohli with jersey number 18/9
, Ashwin with jersey number 99/9 along with Rohit sharma and Suresh raina will be the key player.

Somebody may injured in todays match.

However date 27th is lucky for India and overall India is in a better position to win this match.